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The Malang

Ali da Malang is a term that is used by many which simply means that I am the Malang of Ali. A Malang is a Person in the religion of Islam who is not so much involved with the Political side of the Religion but rather more the Spiritual. He considers himself to be the lowest in front of his Master who is Ali. He does not chase the riches that this World has to offer and neither does he seek Power, fame or the desire to control. 

A Malang of Ali is one who devotes the majority of his life to serving Humanity and remembering the sacrifice that his Master Hussain made on the day of Ashura in Kerbala.

Malang's usually dress in Black and have Bangles sometimes around their Foot and/or Hand. The Bangle is there to remind him of the 4th Imam of Islam who is Syed Sajjad who had faced great pain and suffering after the Battle of Kerbala. He along with his remaining Family Members were all put into heavy Prisoner Chains and treated in a vicious manner.

We as the Malangs therefore wear these Bangles to respect, honour and remember the sufferings of Sajjad and his Family.

The Malangs are Shia Muslims but who primarily do not follow or attach themselves to any Muslim Cleric such as a self made Imam, Sheikhs or Ayatollah's.

The main difference between the common Shia and us the Malangs is that we do not believe the concept of Takleed which most Shia's adhere to. Takleed is an act of having to follow the teachings and orders of a man made Imam or Ayatollah. 

Our lives are dedicated towards Azadari which is crying, weeping and performing the acts of self flagellation for our Master Hussain and his Family.

We as the Malangs perform regular meetings whereby we gather together to listen to a majalis which is basically a person telling and reminding us about the sad tragic events that took place after the demise of the Prophet, the Battle of Kerbala and the aftermath  , this then makes us cry which is then followed by us weeping together to express our love and devotion.

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