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Significance of Ali

These are many reasons as to why Imam Ali (pbuh) was considered to be of such high status. The Paragraphs below will cover only some of the great aspects that Ali holds. The text does not give his status any justice for Ali cannot be explained in a few little Paragraphs or any other words.

Birth inside the Kaaba (The House of God)


The Kaaba which is known as the House of Allah (God) is the holiest site in the Muslim Nation and Billions of Muslims prostrate towards this House on a daily basis multiple times. It is in fact a requirement that in order to be considered as Muslim to prostrate yourself on a daily basis towards this House of God no mater where you are in order to bow down and worship your Lord. 


Imam Ali is the only Man ever who was miraciously born inside the holy Kaaba (the House of God). The borth itself was a Miracle and the signs are still present on the Kaaba today.



Ali's importance




-Son in Law of the Prophet

-Raised in the same House as the Prophet

-Cousin of the Prophet

-Slept the place of the Prophet in his Bed when the Prophet was suppose to get ambushed


-Ali on the Moon

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