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Do you believe that Muslims have only just started beheading People as a means of punishment ? Beheading has been in place for over 1400 years and some of the first victims of being beheaded by Muslims were Prophet Muhammed's own Family Members...



Clear proofs have made it very clear exactly how and when Islam has been hijacked and by whom. Historic events outline shocking self made elected Leaders that would take control of the entire Muslim Nation after the Prophet's demise that have led to the infiltration and alteration of the Religion...



Shocking evidence proves that following the demise of the Prophet were there certain individuals that crossed all limits to gain power and control of the Muslim nation and decided to attack the Prophet's own Home by setting it on fire and eventually killing his Daughter and his unborn grandson...


Our goal is and has always been to spread the truth to awaken the masses by means of undeniable proven facts which cannot be rejected.

Our Team have made deep and clear investigations that have shocked us and eventually the pieces of the Puzzle outlined a large and clear Picture on how Islam has been corrupted to such an extent.

Check out the Videos and links section which will help you to get more informed, please also share this Page with your Family and Friends ! 


“This Website has opened my eyes wide and I cannot thank your Team enough for all your help and guidence, everything now makes perfect sense !" 

Mahdi Shah, Birmingham.

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