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O people of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify you with [extensive] purification. - Quran 33:33
The Ahl-ul-Bayt


The "Ahl ul Bayt" are the Panjatan Paak also known as the purified ones. They are the five holy Characters which include the Prophet Muhammad and his closest Family Members. It was the Prophet himself who clearly stated for his followers to hold onto the Quran and his Ahl ul Bayt to protect ourselves from going more



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Our solutions are innovative and brave, while at the same time being based on industry knowledge and key marketing strategies. There is always a solution.



We at JamesConsulting are expert strategists,

helping our clients with their most complex strategic challenges and build tailored solutions to help them achieve sustained growth.

We begin by helping our clients choose where to focus in order to get the most effective boost to their business. We aim to find the quickest route to success.


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Samantha Jones, Project Manager

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