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A lot of People ask for the meaning of what "YA ALI MADAD" means and what it stands for. It means "O Ali Help" for he is known to be the best of helpers in difficult times !
Imam Ali declared as successor !

There have been many instances whereby Imam Ali (pbuh) was decalred as the rightious Leader by the holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself. The narrations are endless and the evidence is very clear to see that the Prophet specifically left us with Imam Ali and his Family as guidence after his more

Ya Ali Madad & Nade Ali

The term "YA ALI MADAD" is used throughout the World and means "O ALI HELP" for Ali was the strongest Man to have stood the Earth and was known for his strength and Power. People try to go direct to God but know not that they will not be able to reach him without "ALI" for the Prophet himself declared that I am the city of knowledge and ALI is its more.

Significance of the great Saint Imam Ali !

There are many proven facts about Imam Ali (pbuh) that many People do not even know about sadly are the People who label themselves as Muslims not even aware about the real significance of this great Saint. There are endless amounts of facts and Stories to be told about the greatest of Man who stood the Earth for he is also known to be the the "Lion of Allah" more.

Imam Ali mentioned in famous Qawwali's !

The truth does not need to be defended for everything in this World and existence itself depends on Truth ! There have been many Qawwali's sung by some of the most famous singers who always mentioned the importance and love for this super hero called "Ali" more.


We sent no messenger but to be obeyed by the leave of Allah. If they who have been unjust to themselves had come to you (Prophet Muhammad) and begged Allah’s forgiveness, and the Messenger had begged forgiveness for them—indeed they would have found Allah All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. - 4:64 Noble Quran.

"Ishq e Haider Jeet geya" - "The Love for Haider (Ali) has succeeded" !

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