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Problem and Solution

In this Article will I be outlining the root cause of Islamic Terrorism and some possible solutions as to how to minimise further Terrorist attacks.

My believe is that Islamic Terrorism has grown dramatically and has now gotten to a stage which has become very alarming not only for ourselves but the entire World.


There are many People who are angered and outraged by what is taking place, filled with frustration and pain that they so much wish to release but yet have to swallow for the name of World Peace.


My believe is that no matter what we do can we never fully overcome any threads of Terrorist attacks for it can only take a Man driving his Car through a crowd of innocent People and to be able to avoid or control such an act can only be done by removing all Cars off the Streets.


We can however lessen the amount of attacks that take place by trying to get a greater understanding of the root cause of Terrorism and then consider possible solutions in fighting it.


Many People are today not happy with the Religion of Islam as a whole and holding all Muslims accountable as they simply had enough of Sugar Coating the religion of Islam again and again.


I have had some discussion at my work place and have been told by some English Men that they believe that it is the West that is to blame for Al Qaeda and Islamic Terrorism being formed. Being a Muslim myself however did I quickly refute them as there are a lot of things I was aware of which they simply were not aware of.

Islamic Terrorism has unfortunately been in existence ever since the Prophet of Islam Mohammad passed away. During the time of his Prophecy did the Prophet ensure that People will not be led astray after his demise by clarifying to his followers to Hold onto the Book and to follow and love his Family.

He even held a special event known as the event of Ghadeer whereby the Prophet announced to his followers to follow Ali his son in law after him.

There have been many assassination attempts made on the Prophet during his lifetime and one failed assassination was made by a Man called Omar ibn khattab who then after failing to kill the Prophet decided to become a Muslim.

The passing of the Prophet had arrived and soon after did a few Muslim Men hold a secret meeting known as the event of Saqeefah to elect among themselves a Leader to take control and lead the Muslims.



They had elected Abu Bakr who was like Omar a known Companion to the Prophet for a while and until he had passed away.


Abu Bakr now being the elected Leader had now become in Power but knew that as long as the Prophet's Family were not to accept their Leadership would they most likely miserably fail in their attempt in taking control of the Muslim Nation.


Omar then decided to take drastic action and ordered his Men to pay the Prophets House a visit and to get the Prophets Family to accept the new Leadership of Abu Bakr.

The Family however was aware of the vicious and poisonous tricks of Omar and Abu Bakr and the daughter of the Prophet Fatima had made a great attempt in refusing to open the Door to these Goons when they had come to the House in trying to get their allegiance secured.


Omar had then shouted to the Prophet's Daughter that should you not open the Door will we Burn the House down with everyone inside to which Fatima responded by saying "will you burn the House of the Prophet that is Home to his Family ?" to which Omar responded with a "Yes !".


The Prophet's Daughter did not obey his command and Omar then set the Door on Fire followed by kicking it down onto the Daughter of the Prophet which had injured her, killed her unborn Child and eventually led to her death.

This was only the beginning unfortunately of a great Hijack planned by Omar, Abu Bakr and their vicious allies.


What had yet to come during the following years for the Prophet's Family were the worst times of their lives that they had to face and suffer in order to protect the Religion of Islam.


Omar, Abu Bakr and Uthman who were known as the so called Companions of the Prophet had now gained Leadership and Power for years to come and started to infiltrate the Religion of Islam by amending the Quran itself to suite their own filthy needs.


They had now established their illegitimate Empire along witht their vicious ruler named Yazeed. They got what they desired but knew that for as long the Prophet's Family was still alive would their attempted hijack possibly fail.


Yazeed was not interested in following the Prophets Family at all and believed that the Quran was sufficient and this was now thought throughout the Muslim World that enough is the Book which in fact had previously been altered by Abu Bakr.

The Grandson of the Prophet named Hussain along with his Family were still alive and Yazeed was swift in making every attempt in murdering Hussain as he was the only one who could have successfully prevented Yazeed in taking control and Power over the Muslim Nation.

Yazeed was informed by one of his Men of the whereabouts of Hussain and he then acted swiftly by sending many Troops out to kill Hussain. This had then led to the Battle of Kerbala whereby Hussain along with his Family were suffering from thirst yet refused Water and then eventually viciously killed and beheaded.

The only one spared was his son Sajjad who was ill at the time and therefore unable to fight in the Battlefield along with his Sister Zaynab among a few other Woman and Children.

They were taken captives and chained like Animals, having had to suffer the Heat of the burning Dessert were they forced to walk hundreds of Miles to the Temple of Yazeed. Arriving to the place of Yazeed were they walking through a place called Bazar e Sham where there were many People that had then turned against the Prophet's Family and ended up viciously expressing their anger by throwing Stones at the Prophet's Family Members and it had taken many Hours to walk only few hundred Meters through the Bazar e Shaam.


This was the worst time for the Prophet's Family where they had to face Humilation especially for the son of Hussian Sajjad who was left helplessly watching his sisters and remaing Family in Pain. The Ladies Veils were snatched off them and the Head of Hussain along with the other Family Memebrs Heads that were killed during the Battle of Kerbala were now also paraded on Spears right in front of the remaining Members of the Family.

Most of the People were not aware that the Captured Prisoners were in fact the Prophets Family but Brain washed into believing that they were just common People who stood against Yazeed.


Yazeed then ended up imprisoning the Family Members which led to some of them being killed including Sakina who was Hussains five year old Daughter. She had also unfortunately suffered very much by watching her Father getting beheaded and then having her Earrings being torn out of her Ears.


Time had passed and People eventually found out that the Prisoners were in fact the Prophets Family which led to a crowd of People getting them released.


The Cancer in Islam which was formed by People like Omar, Abu Bakr, Othman and Yazeed was then unfortunately not fully cured and taken care of. It had in fact spread to a dangerious level and gotten viciously out of control.


This has had todays Islam being split into two major sects, the Sunni making up 80% of Muslims and the remaining Shia Muslims.

It is unfortunate to say however that the majority of Muslims who are the 80% Sunni Muslims believe the same concept as Yazeed previously did by stating that sufficient is the Book which we all know has been changed.


The Shia Muslims on the other Hand however stood loyal to the Prophets saying to this day by also following and loving the Family of the Prophet.


Mosques are spreading throughout the World which primary teachings come from one main source only and that is a Quran that has previously been changed. The Muslims however claim that the Book is protected by God almighty and that it cannot be changed. It is however hideous to make such a claim that the Book of the Prophet has been protected but yet his own Grandson was viciously murdered and beheaded.

The Quran also teaches many aspects that a man of common sense and Humanity will instantly refute such as the amputation of ones Hands if found stealing.


The famous saying of the Prophet of hold onto the Book and follow his Family has now in some places been altered to hold onto the Book and my Sunnah (way of life).

The Shia Muslims commemorate an annual event on the day of Ashura which is the day on which Hussain was slaughtered. They remember this special day by remembering the story of the Battle of Kerbala, crying and beating their Chest.

The Shia are also known for their self flagellation by cutting there Backs and Heads in absolute expression of love for their Master Hussain. It is simply a form of expression of Love that would I have been present on the Land of Kerbala oh Hussain over 1400 years ago would I have been ready to take a hit from the enemies Sword to express to you how much I love you. It is simply a way of expressing the pain within us that we feel when we hear how viciously he was butchered.


There are however many Shias that have also lost their way by giving too much Power and importance to self elected Ayatollahs and Imams whose concept and aim is also simply spreading lies.

The majority of Islam has unfortunately been programmed to hate and stand against the unbelievers also known as the Kafir which are to them the People of the West.


The Majority of Mosques throughout the World hold the Quran as the absolute source for guidance on how to live a life and be a Human being. Not only so but there are also many fabricated hadith's which are Books that teach the Muslims how to be Human. These Books are however unfortunately also targeted towards programming the Masses against the West.

This has been a main cause of radicalising so many Muslims who simply don't know any better but to follow what they have been told. It is also unfortunate that anybody at any moment can become a Sheikh or Ayatollah and even an Imam and start o Preach to People in his local Mosque with Crowds that can expand to hundreds if not Thousands which can lead to another way of brainwashing the masses to stand against the West.


My aim is not to attack all Sunni Muslims and claim that the Shia are superior for there are many Sunni Muslims that are better than Shia. There are many Sunni Muslims that simply do not know any better and have no idea about the true History of Islam. They have been informed that the Shia are kafirs along with the unbelievers who are the People of the West in their eyes.


As stated previously that the only way to overcome the Terrorism within Islam would be to study the Religion throurghly and then disect and remove the false version of it which is the leading cause of Muslims getting radicalized.



What the Muslims need to realise is that the Prophet once stood in front of his followers and informed them that after me comes Ali, but the Muslims have been lied to and placed Omar, Abu Bakr and Uthman before and above Ali which is the primary and root cause of Islamic Terrorism.

The Majority of Muslims are not even aware of the secret meeting that took place after the Prophet's demise known as Saeeqfah. They unfortunately also do not even know of the crimes of Omar and Abu Bakr who set the Prophet's House on fire which led to the killing of the Prophets Daughter.

Neither do the majority of Muslims know about the Battle of Kerbala where the Prophets Grandson along with his Family got slaughtered in order to save the real version and truth within Islam.

It is unfortunately due to this lack of knowledge and blind following that masses of Muslims have become and are breeding Cavemen who are being programmed to stand boldly against the People of the West and not integrate but rather segregate.

They have lost their way of Humanity and consider themselves to be above anyone who is not a believer believing that they will be promised Paradise and anyone who is not a believer will be doomed for Hell fire.

They are being made to belief that the Shia are the worst of People because the Shia curse the so called Companions of the Prophet meaning Omar, Abu Bakr and Uthman.


The Shia do curse these individuals for they are the root cause as to why Islam has been Hijacked along with Aisha who was the Prophets Wife but later in her lifetime stood and faught against Ali unfortunately.

I myself was made to believe that Donald Trump may be great for America as he seems to claim that he knows much more about the Terrorists which Obama was not aware of and that he would take tactical measures in fighting ISIS.


His recent visit to Saudi Arabia however and carrying out the largest Arms Deal in History with them has made me to believe that he does not really know much about the Terrorists that he so much claimed ot know about.


For it is the Saudis who are as such as Yazeed was during his time, they are the primary breeding ground and funder towards major Terorrist Groups throughout the World. Not only so but do the majority of Quran's that are printed throughout the World filled with lies come from Saudi Arabia.

It is the Saudis that are working effortlessly for an International Sharia Law ruler ship, their laws are much similar to that of Al Qaeda which includes beheading and amputating the Hands of someone who steals.


The grave site of the Prophets Daughter Fatima is also present in Saudi Arabia and it was their Government itself who destroyed the Shrine there alone with other Graves many years ago. They have to this day failed to rebuild a Shrine above the Grave and left it as a site of dirt and sand.


It is these sort of actions that speak for themselves and only confirm that the attack on the House of the Prophet did take place. They call themselves Muslims, read the Quran, pray their 5 daily prayers, fast during the Month of Ramadan but yet cut the Prophets Family out of Islam, say sufficient is the Book and praise the killers of the Prophets Family.

What more then can you expect from Muslims other than becoming a disease towards Humanity and getting themselves into a vicious dark hole that is currently the biggest thread to World Peace.


We still remember the bombing that took place which took away 72 lives and was primarily aimed at the Shia Muslims. The pain is still in our Hearts and we can easily still spread Tears down our face when remembering the innocent People who died but committed no crime.


Then do I even become more saddened after what has happened in Manchester for they were of the most innocent beings on Earth but yet died in such a horrendous way which they did not deserve to to die in such a way.


We can only pray and hope for a better future but I believe that actions must be taken in order to avoid the spread of the this Cancer that was started by the cursed Tree that resides within Islam.

The Government needs to really understand Islam further and then dissect the Radical side of it by placing Bans into force as to which Books must be banned from all Mosques and which Characters primarily Omar, Abu Bakr and Uthman must no longer be respected or given any respect towards.


For it is these Characters along with Yazeed who are Devils that are the primary cause for the Islamic Terrorism that we face today.


The Government needs to also put a law into force that will deport anyone with any links to any Talibans. I would also suggest that all Mosques can only teach in English and that a live Camera and Microphone should be linked to a Central Station that Monitors any threads through the Audio and video.

The Government needs to really understand Islam further and then dissect the Radical side of it by placing Bans into force as to which Books must be banned from all Mosques and which Characters primarily Omar, Abu Bakr and Uthman must no longer be respected or given any respect towards.


For it is these Characters along with Yazeed who are Devils that are the primary cause for the Islamic Terrorism that we face today.


Licenses will also be necessary for anyone that wishes to teach or preach anything inside a Mosque about Islam and that the Teacher will be well informed about how Islam has been Hijacked.


Any version of the Quran from Saudi Arabia should be banned and in general any Verses in all Quran's stating about amputating Hands or fighting anyone who is a non Muslim should be removed.


The Muslims need to learn and recognise the importance of the Prophets Family and return to the Original roots and path of the Prophet.


It is the same within the Royal Kingdom of England whereby Power and Royalty always stays in the Family.


Any form of teaching, preaching or spreading hatred towards the West should also be banned and that should become a law to protect the Country.


Following the above actions would significantly lower the possibility of Terrorist attacks and also provide a safer and friendlier environment for everyone.

And maybe then just then may we be able to reduce the possibilities of any further attacks on our Streets and the rest will be left in God's hands.

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